
Saturday, February 18, 2012

management of one's life

many suffer because they have spent their lives unwisely. some rich people became poor because they have not managed their wealth properly. there are also people who became very sick because they forget their health. these are all mismanagements of one's life.

mismanagement means it is wrongly managed. but what is management. it is way of getting anything or people together to achieve desired goals by making use of what are around effectively and efficiently. there is a course in college which they call management but i am not referring to the course i am talking about how we manage our lives so we will not suffer and repent in the future. there are so many things to  manage in our lives. they can be time, the things we do, the income we have, the wealth we have, our family and so on.

why should we manage all of this because when we leave them alone in the future it is we who will s uffer. example is family management. this is for head of the family. if he allowed his family to move on their own sometimes the children become wild. a well managed child will be an asset to the community. in family management, it is not only the children that are managed . this includes also the house , the time, the income of the family , finance, health safety and future of the family. management of the family should be done by both the husband and the wife. they must be in agreement because if both manage the family differently then there will be chaos in the family. the family is bound to fail.

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