
Saturday, January 28, 2012


everyone knows the meaning of moderation, that is we do things not too much but just enough. example wher  eat, we just eat food that is enough for our mouth to accommodate. if we take smaller amount of food then we have less of the food. but if we take huge amount of food , our mouth cannot accomodate it. another example is water. when there is less water then we have problems because we need water in our life. but water can be devastating if there is too much water, just like what have happen when iligan and cagayan de oro were flooded. it was a destruction. more than a thousand died and thousands of people loss their houses. during drought, there is no enough water for our farm and we have less or no harvest at all. if there is continuous rain we have flood. just like what have happen last december 16,2011 when iligan and cagayan de oro were flooded. another example is money. if we have less money we can hardly buy thlings that are basic in our daily life. when we have more than enough money sometimes we feel arrogant. we look down on other persons. we buy things that we do not need and things that lead to our destruction. we indulge in things that are not good for our body. example is alcohol.

we must really do thing  in moderation. but doing things in all the time is not anymore moderation. it is moderation done extremely. we should do things in moderation moderately. that is even moderation must be done in moderation. example is eating. everyday we eat three times or more a day. at a time we skip one meal in a day. instead we have only two meal a day for one day. or we skip eating our meal for a day. they call this fasting. accordingly this is good for our body. our digestive system has the time to rest because we have burden them to overwork.

Friday, January 27, 2012


last time, i was writing about potable water. but there are waters that are not suitable for drinking. these are seawater and dirty water. this is because they have many impurities which our body cannot use.

if we want optimum health we should drink water that is suitable for our health and water that are not contaminated with many impurities. if the substances in the water are minerals then they best for our health.

for optimum health we should drink at least 8  glasses of good water. according to some experts we are sick because we drink less water. water flushes toxins and other substances  not needed by our body.

Monday, January 16, 2012

potable water

there are many kinds of drinking water. all of them are freshwater. they are the tap water, rain water, mineral water, spring water, alkaline water and many others. tap water is water from the faucet. their sources maybe comes from lake, river, aand underground water. many people do not drink tap water. accordingly, tap water has so many impurities which are not good for the health. some of these are chlorine, microorganisms and other heavy metals. some people filter the tap water to remove the impurities so thatthey can drink it. rain water is another source of drinking water. in cities where there are heavy pollution, it is not advisable to drink rain water because it contains so many impurities taken from the air. but in rural areas where the air is clean, the people can drink it. but it has less minerals in it. spring water is water from the underground and it is full of minerals. as we know minerals are healthful. they are good for the body. there are companies who sell this in bottles. they are known as mineral water. we have also the alkaline water. accordingly this is the most healthful of all the drinking water. the ph of this water is high that is why it is called alkaline water. the spring water and the mineral water can be also an alkaline water. the minerals contribute to making it alkaline.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

i have read from the internet about the importance of water. the earth is composed of land mass and water. accordingly the earth is 70 percent water. of this 98 percent is seawater and only 2 percent is freshwater. the freshwater is in the form river, lakes, water vapor and glacier.

our body consists also of water and solid in the form of muscles and some particulates. our muscles is about 75 percent water, our blood about 82 percent,bones 25 percent,lungs 90 percent, and brain about 76 percent. from this it is concluded that water is vital to the human body. without water, life is inevitable here on earth.

further i have read about dr. f. batmaghelidj about water. according to him, "you are not sick but thirsty, don't treat thirst with medication. i am intrigued by his findings. according to him many degenerative sickness are causes by dehydration that is the human body has less water. so this degenerative diseases can be cure by just drinking water. and that the biological processes depend on water. this is what he called water cure.

as we all know, only freshwater is suitable for drinking. the freshwater available for drinking are those coming from river,lake, rainwater and also water in which something is added like juices, alcoholic bevereges. in cities the available water comes from faucet and bottled water. the bottled water is in the form of filtered pure water, mineral water and alkaline water. of all this water which is the best? well i've got to research further.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

what will happen this 2012, no one knows. but i'm sure that if one would strive hard , he can have a good life. i am now thinking of what to do to have a good life free of worries and diseases. i don't aim of having too much wealth. i just want a simple living without any sickness.
i am hoping this new year many good things will happen. there will be no catastrophy that will happen to mindanao just like the typhoon sendong when iligan and cagayan de oro had been devastated by typhoon sendong. though we have not been affected but i really pity those people who lost their loved ones, their houses and belongings. i'm so sorry for them. i hope they can recover

Friday, January 6, 2012

according to some people 2012 is good year as there many good things that will happen. i don't know if this is true. well, the philippines had many  problems in 2011. i hope 2012 is better.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012